1800 - The last year of a century of blood
A century of blood came to an end. Starting with the War of Spanish succession under the reign of the ageing Louis XIV, it ended with the American War of Independence and the first years of the French Revolution.
Now, there was a Triumvirate at the head of France. All of them except Bonaparte were new men who had not got mixed up in any of the political scams of the now defunct Directoire. It was on them that rested the hope of an appeased future; and more especially on the foremost among them, on the First Consul, Bonaparte.
In 1800, Bonaparte was 31. He was a novice in politics. Would he be able to bring back confidence for the country? Be able to deal with the other belligerent countries on an equal footing? And the extraordinary victory at Marengo, did it now announce a return to peace again?
The last element of the triptych devoted to the years of glory of General Bonaparte, this abundantly illustrated book by Lionel Marquis, tells the story of the political and military events which took place in 1800, a crucial year which marked the birth of a new century