The Panzer merry-go-round Volume 1 : « Dürch die Weygand Linie »
Beginning of June 1940. The French army had been able to rebuild a front along the Somme and the Aisne. Rushing through what they called the Wey- gand Line the Germans, who outnumbered the French in soldiers, aircraft and armour, overwhel- med the strongpoints, encircled them and reduced them one by one. Due to the fact that the defen- ders who, following Weygand’s orders, “held on to French soil”, these operations were particularly costly for both sides, especially for the Panzerdivisionen who left a lot of their armour on the battlefield after the fighting. On 12 June in the evening, the Germans were already masters of the new defensive line set up by the High Command, thus putting an end to all organised resistance and opening the way at the same time towards the centre of France.