In this exceptional book, the author, a D-Day specialist, describes the most powerful German Widerstandneste (resistance nest) in the Omaha Beach sector, where the greatest tragedy of the American D-Day landings took place. It shows the terrible conditions the disembarked troops went through in front of WN 62.
Starting with a large quantity of information, of accurate and verified facts, he rebuilds the story of this resistance point, from April 1942 to that fateful 6 June 1944 and in particular the daily life of the Ger- man soldiers stationed there, as well as their rela- tions with local people.
With the help of the last veterans, this is an important contribution to the history of German troops in WWII. It is a book full of information, typical of the author’s style, showing that, under the uniform they wore, the soldiers were just men.