Hitler’s bodyguard and Jewish friend
A close friend of Hitler from the very beginning, enrolled in the DAP (the embryonic Nazi Party) at the end of 1919 even though his great-grand-father was Jewish, Maurice was a convinced patriot. In 1921, he was the leader of the first bodyguard-stewards, at the origins of what was to become the SA. At the beginning of 1923, he was Berchtold’s assistant at the head of the Stosstrupp (the embryonic SS) and took part actively in the Munich Putsch, on 9 November 1936. Arrested, he was close to Adolf Hitler in the Landsberg Prison and a sort of butler before becoming his friend; he was one of the rare people able to say Du to him. He contributed to the manuscript of Mein Kampf and managed to get it out of the prison undercover. The orator’s friend became his driver, but also the co-founder of the SS in which he was N° 2, until he quarrelled with Hitler at the end of 1927 over his niece, Geli Raubal. They made up in 1933 and Emil Maurice became an SS-Oberführer, and obtained a dispensation for his marriage – he was the only SS Officer of Jewish origin to have this authorization.
But through his story, it’s also the story of the beginnings of Nazism mainly from 1919 to 1927, as you’ve never read it before, with unpublished and little-known information, a huge page of history which can be read in one go thanks to the numerous eye-witness accounts and the fabulous pictures, nearly 600 photos and documents, with subjects like the birth of anti-Semitism in Germany, the Revolution in Bavaria and the Freikorps, the Society of Thule (whose emblem we have found in colour), of parties and unknown movements in France but which played an important role in the 9 November 1923 Putsch, a detailed history of the Stosstrupp. Geli Raubal, did she commit suicide? We discover a Hitler who never thought up anything and attributed the discoveries of others to himself. Unpublished and surprising documents about a huge page of history.